Many times system operators do not consider the use of divers when they think of repair or maintenance to their systems. At CDP, we feel that using divers is usually more efficient and cost effective to the alternative of draining or pumping. We have been doing wastewater diving for over 15 years and are accustom to zero visibility and getting the job done by feel. At CDP, we not only understand the mechanics of water treatment, but we also understand the chemistry of how it works. So if your DO is low or your sludge is building up, please give us a call and we'll be happy to discuss your problems and look at alternative, cost effective solutions to your problems. Other things that we do is remove old system that are being upgraded. We found that by not taking out the old system, new systems can get entangled in the tubing or anchors that remain in place. This may be a consideration when budgeting for a new system. For advise, please feel free to call. Key Benefits
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